Jan 3, 20222 min read
What I Learnt From Experiencing Loss
Good morning guys, I won't wish you a happy New Year, but what I will wish you, is that you will experience the life that you've been...
Dec 27, 20212 min read
What Happens When Mr Perfect Shows Up?
He is everything you've ever dreamed of. He showers you with attention, so much so, you start to think if he ever have time to do...
Dec 20, 20212 min read
Pen & Paper, I Missed You!
The yearning to say what's truly on my heart. The desire to share my victories. The desire to share my failures. Oh how I missed you. The...
Feb 21, 20212 min read
Are You Hiding In The Background?
I was in the midst of assisting someone and the thought suddenly came to me, that whatever you do towards the least of them you do it to...
Feb 9, 20212 min read
I Know How This Works!... But Really?
Have you ever been so excited about something you just want to open the package and start using it already? But wait, you have to follow...
Jan 25, 20212 min read
Put Away Childish Behaviour!
In order for us to see the changes we want, we have to put away childish behaviour!
Jan 18, 20213 min read
Being Content With My Singleness In 2021
Today I decided I will write from a personal perspective and share with you something that I've decided to finally accept and has helped...