Today I want to share something with you that has been a fight for me to overcome. And I'm writing this in humbleness because I never thought I would be able to let it go. You see, the thing is, I love to be in control! I love to plan because I want to know what happens next or what to do next. If I don't have a plan it's so easy for me to spend the whole day doing absolutely nothing of importance that would add positively to my life. With no plan in place, I see that I would wake up whenever I wanted but the day would be done already. You turn around and it's already 2 pm in the afternoon and you think to yourself where did the time go? The time is going so fast! And I'd normally say, 'Times flies when you’re having fun!' isn't that what we want to believe? Although in some scenarios it is true. But in this one, no plan means getting nothing done. I was going through some papers yesterday because I wanted to find a particular letter with some information I needed and so while I was searching I found a little notebook I had used for a financial seminar I had attended. And one of the notes said if I can remember properly 'perfect planning prevents poor performance' now I agree with this one hundred percent. Now if I want to have top nosh performance I have to plan ahead. But what happens when we use this for our relationship with God? I can plan everything in detail for my life but one thing I don't have control over is what happens in the next few minutes. Humans have no control over what happens next. We can try to but even if or when we do, we can never be 100% certain that that thing we planned will take place. Anything can happen. So my point is this. It is a fantastic attribute to plan our lives and have an idea of what we want to accomplish. But when it comes to God who is not affected by time. I've realised that I can't be like the little girl who grabs her father's hand to take the sweets that she can't reach herself, even though her father knows its not good for her. So on that note. I give up! I'm giving up my need to be in control. I'm giving up my need to want to know what happens next. I'm giving up the anxieties that had tried to take away my peace. Because I'm now aware that God's will and timing are always the best. As what my grandmother would tell me growing up. 'He's always on time. Even when there's only one minute left, He's always on time!' And my job is to trust that He will do what He promised. I've come to realise that when I release this kind of control. I regain my peace. I don't have to worry about tomorrow. Because I know who's in control of it. And it's not me.
Until next time.