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How To Keep The Faith When Nothing Seems To Be Happening

Glad to see you! Today I’d like to talk about something that maybe your inner battle or even something that has been taking away your peace. But I’m here to encourage you. There are times when we ask, we knock, we seek, we ask again and we bother but the answers that we want don’t seem to be coming fast enough. It’s as though heaven has shut its doors.

There’s a saying that goes like this: who feels it knows it and I know how it feels very much. There are times when I caught myself having the exact same thoughts and feelings about things that hadn’t happened in my life yet even when I’ve done all the hard work I was advised to do. But the lesson is not in ‘doing the hard work’ the lesson is learned during the time you and I have to wait for the answer we’re waiting and praying for.

There’s a verse that reminds me of how important the lesson in waiting is.

knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience. But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing.” James 1:3-4 (NKJV)

This is so encouraging because when we have a goal or a desire to achieve something. There will be a period of waiting. Nothing happens overnight and so because nothing happens overnight we’re patient in the meantime; we have the assurance that no matter how long that thing will take to happen. You are confident that sooner or later it will. So there’s no reason to doubt, there’s no reason to be anxious. And if the doubts and anxiety come, you know the real answer already.

So I’ve come up with a few things to do when nothing seems to be happening...on the surface.

1. Keep focused on what you want:

If you want something bad enough you have to keep it at the forefront of your mind. You cannot allow yourself to be distracted. Maybe it’s that negative friend of yours that doesn’t share your dream or can’t see it for you, maybe it’s the negative thoughts you allow to take resident in your mind. Whatever it is. Stay focused and don’t be distracted. Get rid.

2. Surround yourself with positive people:

As we mentioned in number 1 about the negative friends, you’ll need to surround yourself with some positive ones. Find someone you admire who will encourage you when those thoughts of giving up attacks you. Fill your mind with the Words of God and something that will also energise you to keep it moving. It could even be a book in the area that you're waiting for the answer. Whatever it is, the people you surround yourself with do have a major effect on the choices you make in life.

3. Keep your body moving:

Don’t just sit there and wait. You have to keep it moving. Stay active and updated with the dream or answer you’re waiting for. Who knows maybe it’s losing weight, maybe it’s finding that great paying job or even improving a specific area of your life. Whatever it is your body must be in motion towards what you say you want to achieve. Sometimes it's so easy to just sit and wait for someone else to bring your dream on a silver platter, but unfortunately, you will probably only see an example of that in the movies with...wait for it...special effects. Yes, we can’t expect any of that in reality.

My list is not exhaustive but you will have somewhere to start in order to start seeing your life moving forward for the better. After all, wouldn’t you want to share your good news with those around you? Wouldn’t it be great when you’re sharing your story with others and the best part was the hardship you faced? Why? Because that is where we all can relate with each other because believe it or not, we all have to experience the feeling of giving up. But one thing I know is this, we can feel like giving up, but we can refuse to give in!

Until next time.


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