Today I met up with a friend for hot chocolate and it was amazing to see how easy is it to simply judge someone before talking to them. He’s from Poland and I am from Jamaica. He told me that he was impressed by how open I was to speak with him because of how open I was towards him, I didn’t immediately judge him for where he came from. I mean, for me, it was the first I’ve heard someone spoke like that.
His reasons for saying that was because of his own experience being a European, there are countries who don't like each other and some people would be very jealous if another person were doing better or have more than them. I guess this is a matter of the heart of the individual. This reminds me of a film I was the other day called PALAU.
It is about a young boy who grew up with a passion to spread the Word of God to the people in his home country of Argentina and ultimately throughout the whole world. He said paraphrased ‘what we need in these time is a revolution of souls’ Which means if people are genuinely happy from within and have inner peace within themselves, then there wouldn’t be so much anger and disarray that we now see around us which manifest itself on the news as stabbings, murders, abuse, court cases, etc you name it.
None of these things would be prevalent because people would be truly happy and they would love their neighbour rather than wanting to cause pain and suffering to them. Why? Because what we have, we give. We can't give something we don’t have. We have peace, we pass the peace. We have pain, we inflict it on others. Which now brings me to the purpose of this post.
Although it is called How To Put Your Faith In Action: Spiritual. I would like to share with you how amazing it is to simply believe. If we look around us and see the physical things we can touch, for example, the mobile phone you’re using to read to this post, the laptop, the desktop, the room you’re sitting in right now, the taxi you just took, the car you just drove in all these gadgets were only someone’s imagination before it became a reality.
Did they come to reality overnight? Of course not! Was it easy to find others to believe in their ‘crazy’ idea at the time? Of course Yes! Did they feel like giving up on their ‘crazy’ idea? I would think maybe more times than they think to continue. But why did these come to pass? Most of these amazing gadgets we now enjoy came from people who probably didn’t even believe in God. But one thing they did have was belief. They believed so much in their idea that it was going to become a reality.
Now let's look at this from a spiritual point of view. If we say we want to be happy and to have this constant inner peace. The peace that surpasses all understanding, (Philippians 4:7) the peace that doesn’t fluctuate only when things are good and we’re out with our friends or when things are bad, we’re dragging ourselves out of bed. If we say we want it and we know where to find it. It also comes down to whether you believe it's possible or not.
If you believe it’s possible. If you don’t believe, it’s also possible, it simply won't happen. Because when God says a word it doesn’t return to Him void. It accomplishes whatever it pleases. (Isaiah 55:11) and He also promised this to you and to me:
And you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart. (Jeremiah 29:13 NKJV)
So if the Creator of the Universe is saying that if we seek Him with all our heart, we will find Him, then it is possible that we would also have to let go of certain things that would stop us from finding Him. Maybe it’s the distraction of those around you who may not desire to join you on your journey, maybe it’s a bad feeling you have towards someone, maybe it’s a habit that you know you have to stop, maybe it’s the little fibs you tell that you don’t think is really a lie. Or it could be many others. You know deep down what it could be.
But I’m hoping you’re understanding what I’m saying here. Is that if we say we desire God, to seek Him, and to also find Him, we will have to make some sacrifices. It won’t be easy along the way, but if we continue in pursuit of what was promised in the above verse then it will become a reality.
And then you will be able to experience this revolution of your own soul where your inner peace will spread automatically because you will now have something to give and to share with others. You will start your own peaceful protest from inside your heart, to your immediate family, to your extended family, to your colleagues, your friends, and even strangers. Your own little change reaction.
How amazing is that?!
The question for you today is: Do you believe?
Until next time.