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I think I like you... ;)

Over the years I've met different types of men in different scenarios. Some online, some at university, some at networking events, some on the bus, some via friends and even some at Church. But nothing gets me interested more in man than one who fears God in all his actions.

So I've come up with a list of things that I like in a man. This is like a sneak preview of my journal entries - but who knows it might just help you to figure out what it is you're looking for in a partner also. If I may say this could also be applicable to both men and women alike.

I like a man who fears God - No place like first, right?

I like a man who's not afraid to put his faith in action - they always speak louder

I like a man who is kind - Don't be having a cow foot hands

I like a man who is attentive - Be willing to pay some

I like a man who still believes in chivalry - Yes, open that door please, thank you

I like a man who values time - Please don't be late I beg

I like a man who is honest - Don't beat around the bush

I like a man who is patient - Don't force or insist

I like a man who is forgiving - Mistakes are inevitable

I like a man who is able to protect his woman - I'll stay behind you while you fight them off

I like a man who has a sense of humor - Gotta make me laugh when those days come

I like a man who is thoughtful - Surprises wouldn't hurt sometimes

I like a man who respects boundaries - co-operation and teamwork are key right here.

The list is inclusive but not exhaustive. I thought it would be nice for my single readers to have an idea of some of the things that would be good characteristics to look for when searching for someone. You might not have heard about King Lemuel before - his mother taught him how to look for a wife (or husband) and her directions can be found in the Bible in the book of Proverbs Chapter 31.

So I'll leave you with my favorite verse from the chapter.

Charm is deceitful and beauty is passing, But a woman who fears the Lord, she shall be praised.

Proverbs 31 verse 30 (NKJV)


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