So guys, normally I do spend a lot of time in my head. I mean, I do think a lot. Maybe too much for some people. It grates on their nerves. I’m naturally observant and I tend to listen to people when they speak.
I ask questions and it gives people the chance to be comfortable and to be more open. There’s one thing people love to do. Do you want to know? Ok, lean in a little let me whisper in your ear in case they’re listening...they love to talk about themselves.
But what I want to talk to you about today are some things that I’ve been thinking about myself. A few snippets of golden wisdom I would like to share with you. I’d like to call them note to self. You know those words you would read somewhere and you thought to yourself. I definitely need to write this down and keep it so I can always go back and remind myself?... Yeah!
here are my favorite four:
1: Don’t be afraid to do something just because you’re scared of what people are going to say about you. People will judge you no matter what. It’s in our nature.
If you’re planning on doing something that will enhance your own life whether it's for your family, your career, your finances, your love life or whatever it may be. As long as its something that will make you proud then go for it. If we should wait for people to be happy for us to make a move then we will end up being stagnant and we would never know how things would have worked out for us if we stay still. So just do it. A friend of mine once told me don’t be afraid to fail.
2. When they see you’re doing better without them. That’s when they want you back.
Yes, this is very much related to your love life. I’ve been in this situation not so long ago. An old flame tried to get back with me but he realised that I was on a completely different journey from the one he was left on and I was not willing to take any step backward. You have to keep it moving, continue to believe in yourself and your worth because the best is yet to come.
3. Once you have accepted your flaws, no one can ever use them against you.
Can I get an amen to this one? When I heard this the first time, the light bulb came on. We all have flaws and those around us also have them. But that doesn’t mean you should be going around putting yourself down and making yourself feel inferior or less than. Absolutely not. I will not allow you to do that to yourself.
We have to look at ourselves as beautifully and wonderfully made. The creator of the universe said that by the way. Yep, God said that about you. So who are you to disregard something so beautiful? The amazing thing about you is that there is no one else in this world who looks like you, talk like you, laugh like you or have the same little quirks you may have. So if anyone puts you down for it – never mind them because you have already accepted you for who you are. See Psalms chapter 139 verse 14 (NKJV) in the Bible if you would like to read it for yourself.
4. Your problem is never your problem. Your reaction to your problem is your problem.
This is like a kick in the gut when I read this. I am happy to tell you that the problems we face each day are probably never going to kill us. But its how we respond to these setbacks and challenges that will make the biggest difference.
So if you are currently experiencing a difficult moment. Stop for a moment and see how you’re responding to it or have responded to it. Would you be a bit more calmer, a little more understanding or even imagined yourself in the other person's shoes? Check how you’re responding to your problems and see if your reactions are making it worse or helping you to find the solution.
Until next time.