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The Eye Of The Storm: Wake Up!

Do you remember a time when everything appeared to overwhelm you? Things were way too much for you and you just couldn’t cope. What did you do? Were you calm and collecting or wildly running around? About 4 years ago I decided I was going to write a bucket list. I never even knew what it was until I heard about the movie itself and I was inspired to write one. Swimming with the dolphins was number one on my list of 20.

So last year the opportunity came for me to finally swim with the dolphins, I couldn’t swim properly without a life jacket because I was afraid I would go under. And so when I returned home, I decided I was going to start having swimming lessons. The photographer had called out to me and told me I was panicking too much which is why I couldn’t stay afloat and I was getting tired very quickly. So because of that, I couldn't go out in the deep end.

I started having the lessons because it was something to keep me fit and also an opportunity to meet new people. But before I had my first lesson I had started to watch videos on YouTube for beginners just to get my mind right, so I don’t panic and make it more difficult for myself. It occurred to me recently that it’s not just drowning people who flap around. When you are dealing with major issues in your life you have a tendency to flap around wildly too. Trouble is, as you are doing this, you are pushing away the hands that are trying to help you. When you are in the midst of a crisis, of any sort, take deep breaths. Stop worrying, stop panicking, stop trying to work out a solution, and just be for a while. From that focal point in the eye of the storm, you will be able to see the helping hands around you. You’ll be able to see the people who want to help and are trying to help; the ones you’ve been pushing away. You’ll be able to see new ideas and opportunities that can help you out of your situation. If someone you know is in this unresourceful state of panic, then, you need to give them a wake-up call to break their state of mind so they can be more resourceful. This could be through words, actions, or showing them something. Do something outrageous and shocking that brings them to their senses.

A few years ago the Ice Bucket Challenge took the world by storm. Many ordinary people decided to do the challenge to raise awareness of a disease called Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis and to raise money for research. Now imagine being dosed with that same bucket of iced water while sleeping in your bed! How fast do you think you would get up? How fast would be your reaction?

For me, snoozing is something I do frequently because I tend to be more productive at night and tend to sleep until later in the mornings. Though I’m working to be better I realised its something I have to accept about my body clock.

So from both scenarios, you can see that when its time to wake up and smell the coffee you would have to make a move and stop finding excuses. Now, for me personally an alarm clock would be much better but for some people who are stubborn and proud, the bucket of ice water would be the best way to get their attention.

Now, I’m not saying for you to physically dose that friend or family member of yours in iced water while they’re sleeping but if they’re not listening to sound advice there will be a time when we also have to be patient with them and allow them to make the right choices and decisions that will help them to change their lives.

I hope this has encouraged you.

Until next time.


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