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The Importance Of Showing Appreciation!

When I thought about writing this post it was very easy for me to write about because it is something that comes very naturally to me. On the other hand, it may be something that’s completely foreign to you. Showing appreciation for someone is all about recognising their best qualities and celebrating it with them.

A few days ago, I received a letter from my previous boss and I must say It was something I was not expecting. It was handwritten so it took time and effort to sit down, get a pen and write from the heart. That is something I admire very much because I do it naturally myself. I remember at my last job whenever there was a birthday or any type of card to be signed, my colleagues would always want to write last because they would look forward to reading my long thoughtful ‘essays’ when they would just write a few words. I just love to communicate with words. Or should I say ‘written’ words, as you can tell from this website.

Alright so back to the letter. I was not expecting it all and to be honest it was a breath of fresh air. I was so happy I read it a few times over and thought to myself ‘this is definately my kinda thing!’ It made me realised that when we think no one is watching, or when we think that no one cares for what we do even if its something small like, keeping a positive attitude and keeping that smile on your face even though you might be going through rough moments that no one knows about. That alone can bring inspiration to those around you.

I’ve been really thinking about my life’s purpose recently. I mean I’ve been thinking about it really hard. And you know, our purpose in life is not necessarily the job you get paid to do, it may not be related to the course you studied at college or university for all those years.

It could be a vocation that you enjoy doing in your spare time – like mentoring someone else who doesn’t have anyone to direct them, maybe it’s using your money to sponsor a cause that can only be possible because of where you are right now, maybe it’s spending time with someone who doesn’t have anyone else to talk to and you are able to encourage that person to keep on living and pursuing their dreams.

Our purpose is what comes naturally to us. It is what brings us this sense of satisfaction that no money can buy. It is what brings a smile to our face because of the selfless act we did without thinking twice about it.

So dear friends, I encourage you today, if there is someone who made a difference in your life so far, let them know about it. If they inspired you to change something in your life, let them know about it, if they gave you a word of encouragement and you still have that word hidden in your heart when you feel like giving up, let that person know. Because you never know how your appreciation can still make such an impact on that person’s life.

Why? Because for them, they were doing what came naturally to them and they may not know how much difference they're making...without realising it.

So until next time, #BeConsiderate


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