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Trusting That Gut Feeling.

Have you ever visited a place and felt an overwhelming sense of tranquility? Have you ever met someone and think to yourself something isn't right with this person even though you just can't put your finger on it? Or maybe you've thought about a business idea and think to yourself this is it, this will work out and it sure did?

Yes, I'll give you a break now. That was a few questions wasn't it? Oops that was another one. Sorry. I'm hoping you're getting my drift now.

I was on my way to a seminar and It suddenly dawned on me that we all have this thing called intuition. It's something that cannot be explained by our  five (5) senses because you can't taste it, smell it, see it, hear it, feel it. Considering the few who can definitely feel something in thier stomach when they can sense that something isn't right.

It's as though our bodies react to our very thoughts. We can start to get stomach aches when we're anxious about something or even butterflies when we see our secret crush. Let's be honest. Our heart rate even increase and some of us can't keep eye contact when we're caught in a lie. We can't hide from it.

However, when it comes to trusting our intuition we should listen to it. I was in class yesterday and one of my classmates was saying that he always wanted to leave his job because he was starting to lose interest and drive.

He went on to say that he had that feeling for a while but he kept ignoring it and tried to continue with his job. But the more he ignored his desire to leave and finally do what he always wanted he was getting more and more demotivated at work.

Until one day he decided to quit his job and is now improving his knowledge and gaining new skills in order to be successful in the new industry he's so excited about and has always wanted to work in. I was so happy to hear him talk like that because it definitely proved my point here.

Once we get that inner nudge we can call it, to push ourselves to do better and be better, nothing will be able to satisfy us until we finally do something about it. It's the worst thing to one day look back and think to ourselves you know what? I should have done this, this and this.

So let us remind ourselves that yesterday is the past, today is our present and tommorow is our future. We can't change yesterday, but we can definitely change how today ends tommorow is never a promise.

Whatever you've been putting off, start making that to-do list and even starting to write one you would have done the most hardest part. Because once you start to dream again I'm sure even you will be amazed with how far you've come.

Don't let that inner voice be silenced. You never know who's life you might touch or even save for that matter.

So until next time, start on that list.


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