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What To Do When The Unexpected Happens.

Did you ever expected that your phone would slip right out of your hands and then it would end up looking like that photo? Maybe, maybe not!

Alright, guys, It's been a crazy week so far and I'm so glad to have you here. Isn't it great to have a community around you where you're able to get the support you need, especially from close family and friends? (Don't forget those who encourage you and even prays for you, sometimes without you even knowing) they're a God-send.

Anyway, as per the title of this post today, this can happen at any point in our lives. Maybe the unexpected happens to us, someone around us, or even outside, where we have no control over the outcome at all.

So I'm here to encourage you and give you some tips on what to do when the unexpected happens:

1. Ask for help

Please, I know some of us can be superman and superwoman at our best. But when the unexpected happens. We have to get real with ourselves and ask someone to help us. Maybe, it's just to listen to you, venting. Maybe it's just to go for a coffee, to get out of the house. Maybe it's to get thier advice. But let us humble ourselves and ask for help.

2. Don't accept the situation

I don't know what the unexpected is, depending on the circumstances. But don't just simply sit down and accept the situation as it happens. Whatever is in your power to do to change it or to make it better, do it. If you don't know, find out and start at number one. But don't be a victim, use the situation, and become a Victor!!

3. Never give up

Yes, I know there are times when things show up, it's an opportunity for us to push ourselves and to make ourselves better. It's to teach us something new about ourselves. Who will know how strong we are until we had to lift something from one place to another? So you see, always press forward and never allow the unexpected to make you a defeated person. Never through in the towel.

4. Look for the lesson

It's difficult to think that when the unexpected happens to us that it would be trying to teach us something. Maybe not at that specific moment but afterward, you will one day look back and think yourself. Did I really overcome that situation? Did I really have so much persistence? I really had to humble myself!' that's right. When we face situations in our lives.

There is always a lesson to be learnt. Whether we were too self-sufficient and wanted to do things by ourselves, maybe we were too selfish, or probably we thought we were untouchable. Whatever the case is.

The unexpected will always teach us a lesson whether we want to be in the class or not. Whether we want to pay attention to the Teacher or not, or whether we want to be a student or not. The lesson will always be for our own good.

So I'll leave you with these words of encouragement today and I pray and hope that you will stay in the race until the end.

My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience. But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing. (James 1:2‭-‬4 NKJV)

Until next time.


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