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Why Do We Complain So Much?

Have you ever planned to talk to someone for five minutes and it ends up being an hour or two or three? Yes, it is possible. I’ve done it with a few people. You know, when you always have something to talk about with this person? You love listening to the voice of each other. You enjoy the time spent even without realising that you had already been talking for 2 hours and the line got cut? Yes, That's what I'm talking about!

Where am I going with this you may ask? Well, stay with me.

I’ve realised that when you have something in common with another person it will always be easy to spend time talking with that person. It is the foundation of any kind of relationship. whether it is a bond between two friends, a dating relationship, and believe it or not it could also be a family member there’s always the one you can count on. We love to talk to people who share our interests. We love those who will listen to us, encourage us, and build us up.

Which brings to me to this question. If we love to be encouraged why do we love to complain so much? Maybe I’m in la la land or something but this is something that I think can stop us from achieving success in our lives. It is the worse thing when I hear someone complaining about something and never seem to come up with a solution.

So here, I am going to share with you some of the complaints that just get my blood boiling and the thing is, I’m naturally an upbeat and positive person and I’ve learned how important our words are. Whether it is said to our own self or towards others or even about our circumstances. Our words have power. To build up but to pull down at times even without the intention to do so.

So here are some complaints that I’ve heard which gets me so sad, annoyed and even at times angry but I’ve come up with some possible solutions just in case I might be describing you.

I don’t have enough experience – Get some. Read more. Sign up for a course. Seek a mentor.

I wish I had more time – Wake up earlier and or sleep less, we all have the same 24 hours in a day.

I wish I had enough or more money – Sell something, work over-time, upgrade your skills.

There are no jobs available and I’m unemployed – There is always work to be done but are you willing to do it?

I don’t have a partner – Seek to love yourself, invest in your qualities, seek to serve others. Do things you haven't gotten around to try yet.

I wish I was single again – Come to an agreement with your spouse to spend some time doing something you used to love when you were single maybe (going for a walk in the park, having a coffee by yourself)– don’t lose your individuality in your relationship.

Why is my family so dysfunctional? – Show me a perfect one with no complaints and I’ll take my hat off to them (Not sure if I’d be wearing one on the day but oh depends on the weather)

Why can’t I get on with my family? - Seek to find out areas where you can improve yourself first, are you holding on to certain things that are holding you back?

Why am I so sad? - Seek to find out what makes you happy from within, Are there issues that you have not dealt with yet? Seek and you shall find.

Why do I always feel inferior to my friends/colleagues/family members? - Everyone has something great inside of them no matter who you are – once you figure out what this great thing is, you will see that you will have something to be confident about.

And if anyone compliments you – please accept it and don’t argue it away. Let it sink in and believe it.

I remember while I was in the office whenever someone would ask me how I am, this is how the conversation would go:

Person: “How are you?”

Me: “Hiya, I’m fantastic!”

Person: Staring at me with bulging eyes they continued. “What’s happened to you?” they asked.

Me: “I choose to be fantastic. I’ve learned to say what I want, not what I feel.”

Person: Sits in silence. Thinking.

So there you have it. The list I came up with is not exhaustive and there may be some others you may have said yourself. But as I’ve mentioned before, our words have power so what profit will your words bring to your life and the life of those around you. It could be a matter of life or death. Choose them wisely!

Until next time.


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